Sixty-five workers were certified in free courses on Safety and Occupational Medicine in Cubatão last Friday (14). The training is an initiative of the Center for Integration and Development (Cide) and the Cubatão – Secretariat of Development and Employment, with the support of the Center of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Ciesp) – Cubatão Regional, whose objective is to train the local labor in various courses required by the legislation in force in the market. The delivery of the certificates took place in the auditorium of the City Council of the city.
Six training days were given by Self Seg, Treinar and Lacerda, with programmatic content related to Regulatory Standards (NRs): 6 – Individual Protection Equipment (EPI); 23 – Fire Protection; 33 – Safety and Health in Confined Space Works; and 35 – Working at heights. The NRs are mandatorily practiced by public and private companies, which have employees governed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), according to the Ministry of Labor.
All the action goes to the theme “Professional Qualification” of Agenda 21 – The City we want in 2020, whose commitment is to promote sustainable development in the municipality and, consequently, in the Baixada Santista.
The Secretary of Development and Employment, Marcos Espirito Santo, the manager of Cide / Ciesp Cubatão, Valmir Ramos Ruiz, and the supervisor of Cubatão’s Worker Assistance Station (PAT), Rogério Vieira, were present at the ceremony.
For Marcos, the courses in NRs are the beginning of a series of capacities that the City Hall intends to offer to the workers of the city. “With the trainings carried out and others we are prospecting, Cubatão’s workforce will have a more differential in the curriculum. We had a good attendance of students in the courses, which reflects a self-esteem of the workers in preparing for future vacancies of employment”.
Valmir highlighted the partnership between the Industrial Estate and the City Hall in promoting the professional qualification of the city, one of the premises of the strategic planning of Agenda 21. “The industry continues in continuous improvement and with good expectations for the coming years, with a market that requires more trained and resilient professionals. Cide/Ciesp, together with the City Hall, is looking for new transformation industries for the city, which will undoubtedly count on local workers and stimulate local commerce. So let us acquire knowledge and be apt for opportunities”.