The companies are committed to the communities of the Municipality

Sesi Cubatão has improved service to companies and workers in transportation, sports, health and culture

According to the Cubatão Industrial Polo annual report, in 2017, the industries of the area continued to invest in the communities where they operate. In total, R $ 2.3 million was allocated to social, cultural and sports projects.

The Consultative Community Council (CCC), made up of representatives of industries, public power and communities, aims to be the link between Cubatão Industrial Pole and society. The CCC is promoted by the Center for Integration and Development (Cide), with support from the Center of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Ciesp) – Cubatão Regional and has a health, safety and environment professional and a Community Relations in its coordination.

The actions and projects are framed in four nuclei: Education, Training and Employability; Cheers; Safety; Environment and Community Projects. They are pillars inserted in the strategic planning of Agenda 21. The format was defined with the objective of enhancing the group’s actions.

The work proposal of the Council is premised on the Responsible Action Program of the Brazilian Chemical Industry Association (Abiquim). The program acts with voluntary commitment in the continuous improvement in health, safety and environment, identification of risks and preparation for emergency situations.



The CCC of the Industrial Pole of Cubatão is recognized by Abiquim, with representation in its Commission of Dialogue with the Community, for adopting socio-environmental guidelines established by the association. The CCC participates annually in the National Meeting of Community Advisory Councils of Abiquim.



With good results achieved, in 2017, the Centro de Actividades Décio de Paula Novaes – Sesi Cubatão implemented a new educational proposal, with an innovative methodology of teaching and learning, besides the expansion of quality of life, making investments in infrastructure such as waterproofing reservoirs , reform of locker rooms and toilets, construction of the remainder of the plays, reform of the field and court.



Source: A Tribuna Newspaper