Operation Winter ended on the 27th and recorded another year of good results and no critical episodes in Cubatão’s air quality during the winter. The balance was presented during the meeting held at Cide/Ciesp Cubatão, which brought together representatives of industries, the government and other institutions.
The initiative, promoted by Cetesb – Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo, is a joint action carried out every year by the industrial condominium industries, managed by Cide and supported by Ciesp Cubatão.
In its twenty-fourth edition, a preventive operation of monthly cleaning and daily wetting of the Polo’s external and internal roads during the months of May to September of this year – a period with greater climatic variations, such as lack of gloves, strong winds and thermal invasions.
Throughout the period, about 65,244 miles were driven daily by trucks and, on average, 120 thousand liters of reused water daily. Throughout the process, around 83 million tons of product waste, mostly land and garbage on roads, boulevards and parking lots, were collected.
Air quality indexes are monitored by three Cetesb measuring stations, located at the Industrial Pole and in the urban area of Cubatão, and are available on Cetesb’s website with hourly updated data every day of the week.
“The results achieved during these four months of operation were very satisfactory, with effective measures. We look forward to the continuation of these actions with the Polo companies and Cide / Ciesp Cubatão in 2020”, says Marcos Cipriano, Cetesb’s regional manager in the city.
For Valmir Ruiz, regional manager of Ciesp Cubatão, the expectation is to maintain the initiative with excellence in the Polo. “The operation was a success, as we operate in accordance with the indices established by Cetesb. The goal for next year is to remain with the Polo’s contribution to good air quality in the municipality and region”.