Marcelo Forlenza Gonçalves

The integration of the Pole of Cubatão is essential for the sustainable development of all industries installed in the region. Braskem believes in the potential of this industrial pole, therefore it supports all actions and proposals that stimulate the synergies that may still take place in favor of the grownth of the industry and the municipality, especally when dealing with the issues of safety, health, and the environment.

Ronaldo Silva Duarte

An Industrial Pole without synergy is a reflection of society that lacks organization. The integration in as Industrial Pole is a great opportunity to generate synergies with focus on the sustainable growth of companies, benefiting the surrounding society, with lower environmental impact and, consequently, improved quality of life.

Birla Carbon Brasil Ltda. has been present for over 60 years in the Pole of Cubatão and it believes that development is only possible with efforts from all sectors of society, driven by investiments and synergies that may contribute in the generation of jobs.

Marcos Stelzer

The Industrial Pole of Cubatão holds in the increased integration and synergy among its industries a differential capable of adding value to the business, reducing costs and generating new investments that will benefit the entire society from Cubatão. The Pole is an example that it is possible to combine production with efficiency and respect towards the environment.

Airton Andrade

As the saying goes “One swallow doesn’t make a summer” also applies to our Industrial Pole. The integration of Industrial Center will provide synergy between companies and will thus facilitate everyone’s growth. This growth tends to arouse the interest of new businesses in our region, generating positive results for everyone, such as the increase in the collection of taxes and new jobs.