Operation Winter does not point to critical episodes in 2018

Cetesb closes winter operation at Polo without recording critical episodes of particulate matter in the air

The operation contributes to the cleaning of the particulate material on the roads and avenues of access to the pole

Cubatão surpassed the winter period of 2018 without registering any critical episode of pollution by particulate matter, although this is – usually due to climatic problems such as lack of rainfall, strong winds and thermal invasions – the season with the worst scenario for activities and the search for the balance of environmental preservation.

“There were rains in June-July, avoiding the dispersion of particulate matter (dust) in the region of the old Vila Parisi, maintaining stable air quality,” said the regional manager of Cetesb in the City, Marcos Cipriano.

According to him, the joint action of the industries, through the Industrial Condominium of Cubatão, managed by the Center for Integration and Business Development (Cide) that conducted Operation Winter, contributed to these results. It was the twenty-third consecutive year of action with support from the pole. Winter Operation ended its 2018 activities last Tuesday at a meeting at the Center for Integration and Development (Cide). The operation, promoted by the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (Cetesp), in partnership with Cide, São Paulo Industries Center (Ciesp) – Cubatão Regional, City Hall and other agencies, promotes the products, without their majority, land and trash in the roads, avenues and in the parking lots of the Industrial Polo of Cubatão, throughout the winter period. Between the months of May and September, the preventive operation carried out monthly cleaning and daily wetting of the external and internal roads of the Polo companies, counting on the integrated communication between the industries for agile service in these actions. In all, it was about 105 kilometers driven daily by trucks and, on average, 120,000 liters of reused water per day.

For the Cetesb regional manager in Cubatão, Marcos Cipriano, the results obtained are a reflection of collaboration between companies. “The quality of the air has been improving more and more over the years, especially with our constant search and integrated by alternatives of performance.”

Representative of the Municipal Department of Environment, Sandra Godói recognizes the importance of the industry in carrying out the operation. “The operation is a task force and parameter so that the City Hall has a guarantee that Cubatão meets the satisfactory indexes of air quality. Engaging all participants in this project, direct and indirect, especially the regulatory yards, will be fundamental to maintain the good indexes of control “.

Valdir José Coabianco, director of Cide / Ciesp Cubatão, highlights Operation Winter as an important legacy built by all those involved. “We commit ourselves every year to the investment and the implementation of Operation Winter and, given the required parameters, we contribute directly and indirectly to the integrity of the citizens, continuity of the economic activity of the industries, and, consequently, to a good image of the city of The synergy between all the actors, regulating yards, industries and all the involved organs is determinant for the continuous improvement and perpetuation of the action in the municipality “, concludes.


Source: A Tribuna newspaper



“Industrial Pole of Cubatão has everything to keep growing”

Anibal do Vale, president of Unipar Carbocloro, foresees investments in the city

Installed since the 1960’s in Cubatão, Unipar Carbocloro has expanded activities to Argentina

“Industrial Pole of Cubatão has everything to continue growing, despite the political-economic crisis that the country is going through. It is organizing itself to receive new investments, industries that transform the products it manufactures in companies established since the 1960s “. The evaluation is by Anibal do Vale, president of Unipar Carbocloro, one of the largest chlorine-soda producing companies in Latin America, with subsidiaries in Santos André and Baía Blanca, Argentina.

Chlorine is one of the key products for attracting new companies to Cubatão and also a transforming chemical element in Brazil, where more than half of the population does not have basic sanitation.

“I believe that, in the short term, it is more difficult to implement a project to resume economic development and attract new companies to Cubatão because of the political-economic uncertainty that the country is experiencing due to the electoral period. , we would already have more industries in Cubatão.The city has everything to grow, free areas, raw materials, water and electric power in abundance, highways and railways and a diverse set of base industries.

Anibal do Vale, optimistically welcomes Cide-Ciesp’s initiative to organize the industrial polo condominium, which is developing the Cubatão Fábrica de Oportunidades Program in a synergistic action of common interests with industries and the City Hall.

“This partnership indicates that there is no accommodation in this period of turbulence in Cubatão, but a preparation for the resumption of the economy and a demonstration that Cubatão has many areas available to serve investors, so I see this initiative with the same optimism that has in the recovery of the Country, “he says.

Source: A Tribuna newspapper

Cubatão Projects for 2019

Cubatão – The Opportunity Factory program, a partnership between Cide and Cubatão City Hall, will be announced by Investe São Paulo

Aimed at demonstrating that Cubatão is an Opportunities Factory for new investors, Mayor Ademário Oliveira and Deputy Mayor Pedro de Sá Filho announce the reserve of 2.64 million square meters of industrial poles ready to house products manufactured by the companies already installed in the City.

The objective is to prepare the Municipality for the resumption of industrial activities, with new developments, starting in 2019. The larger areas are ready to receive from port activities facing the Piaçaguera Canal (next to Usiminas), which is close to 1 million m2; industrial support companies intending to implement a Data Center and also a start-ups center (companies that are at the beginning of the market’s innovative activities) in the old residential Villa of the Henry Borden Plant (with 307,011.00 m2) in partnership with the State Government. The mayor said that he is personally committed to the State Public Prosecutor’s Office in search of an agreement that will finally allow the implementation of the Brastera Project for the Installation of Ceasa Regional in the lands with 929,627.71 m2 to the south of the municipality (facing the Highway of Immigrants , next to the Caraguatá Garden). The project has been stopped for 20 years.

“And their resumption will generate fomenting enterprises will destine areas for the environmental preservation of the mangrove region of the Laranjeira and Branco rivers, and as compensation they will donate landed lands for the construction by the CDHU of a thousand housing units that will be used for This contribution is essential to convince the MP to help our city”, says Ademário.

Investe São Paulo

According to Deputy Mayor Pedro de Sá, who is also Secretary of Planning, in addition to the City Hall to join the project of the Industrial Pole Condominium, managed by Cide, the secretariat will publicize the Cubatão Program – The Opportunities Factory at Investe São Paulo . The action is led by the State Government to show attractive municipalities of investments, seeking national and international partnerships.

The City still has areas with smaller size, but offering potential of proximity with the industries of base, like the old Post Paulínia (45 thousand m2), between Avenue Plínio de Queiroz and Rio Mogi; and the area of ​​the former factory of Companhia Santista de Papel, with 86,209.71. All the glebas features the proximity to the Imigrantes, Anchieta and Domneico Rangoni canyons. And with railroad extensions installed in the geographic region of Cubatão and the Mogi River Valley, the fertilizer, petrochemical and chemical plants and condominiums of Cesari.

Municipal government works to resume Ceasa Regional project in front of Immigrants area

Área of ​​the plant can develop Industry 4.0 in the City

According to Deputy Mayor Pedro de Sá Filho, one of the projects developed in partnership with Cide Industrial Condominium already involves negotiations with the municipality of Usiminas to install a port at Furadinho Dam, one of the areas with 465,264.71 m2 belonging to Usiminas and situated in front of the Canal de Piaçaguera. In addition to the other nearby areas, the areas offer close to 1.5 million m2. The port is planned from the perfection of a proposal of the Investe São Paulo Program in 2012, but never left the paper.

“In this contact that brings investors closer to Usiminas, the City will not do anything, it only acts as an inducement to progress, as is the attraction of other investors and in negotiations, for example, with the Secretary of Energy of the State Government, in the use of the old residential areas of the Henry Borden Plant”, explains Sá Filho. The City Hall wants to make life easier for those who are interested in investing in the city, so that this investment happens in Cubatão and not elsewhere, “he adds. He is also interested in bringing investors interested in installing a Data Center in the preserved areas of old houses of the Henry Borden Mill, mostly unoccupied.

Data Center is a designed environment where an organization’s data storage and processing equipment is located. It can host thousands of servers, databases and other components. “With this flagship pulling other companies maybe we will not start a start up incubator? We have companies in the City – like Braskem and Petrobras – involved in this innovation process.” The purpose is to make way for Industry 4.0 in the City. Dates Centers need a larger volume and guaranteed uninterrupted power supply. “I have been in contact with Energy Secretary José Carlos Meireles and he has assured that the plant supplies this supply and, if necessary, the State builds a gas-fired thermoelectric plant to guarantee the quality of electricity transmission.” The deputy mayor ensures that this project maintains the Municipal School of the Henry Borden Plant. “Our dream is to transform Cubatão into a kind of Silicon Valley in the USA.”

Source: A Tribuna newspapper

Cide and City Hall searching for investiments

Valdir José Caobianco, executive director of Cide; mayor Ademário Oliveira; Deputy Mayor Pedro de Sá Filho; and Valmir Ruiz, executive manager of Cide, drivers of the program “Cubatão – A Fábrica de Oportunidades”

A partnership signed between Cubatão City Hall and the polo industries transformed the Center for Integration and Development (Cide), as a trustee of the Industrial Pole condominium, through contacts with investors and companies interested in installing transformation industries in the city, using raw materials manufactured by local base industries.

The agreement, which continues the “Cubatão – A Fábrica de Oportunidades” program, was consolidated between mayor Ademário Oliveira and Cide’s executive director, Valdir José Caobianco, on Wednesday. The event is supported by the Center of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Ciesp) – Cubatão Regional.

Cide, as trustee of the industrial condominium of the polo, receives in its premises representatives of companies and investors, in close relations with the Secretary of Planning of the City Hall, Pedro de Sá Filho (who is also vice mayor of the city ). He selected areas in Cubatão with potential for the installation of new projects, indicating detailed locations on an exposed map of the Ciesp Cubatão region, showing advantages offered by neighborhoods with base industries, road and rail access, and the City’s fiscal incentives for investors . Groups interested in knowing the areas and incentives will be received at the Cide by the manager of the two entities, Valmir Ramos Ruiz (contacts by phone 13 3361-1388). He will assist investors, conduct contacts with the City Hall and detail the proposals to support the public authorities, through Pedro de Sá Filho.

The partnership strengthens Cide’s condominium, acting as a contact facilitator and associate agent to reduce share costs common to all partners, as already occurs in the relationship with the base industries. Launched in March, during a seminar at the Brazilian Chemical Industry Association (Abiquim) in São Paulo, the industrial condominium follows strategic planning similar to association organizations of purposes installed there in other industrial centers, within the principles established by Agenda 21.

“We are convinced that Cubarte’s industrial complex, under the management of Cide, is fully prepared to receive new processing industries. With excellent logistics infrastructure, quality raw materials for its large companies, skilled labor and integration with public authority, commerce, organs and communities, the municipality offers the best conditions for revitalizing the country’s industrial sector, “says Valdir José Caobianco, executive director of the Center for Integration and Development (Cide).

Region has advantage

Valdir José Caobianco points out 11 reasons for new companies to settle in the Polo de Cubatão. The main objective of the polo industries, already integrated with Cide’s condominial management, is to develop a permanent campaign to attract new enterprises that complement the base industry already installed in the Municipality since the 60’s.

The base industry manufactures products that are used by other industries called processing industries because they use the basic inputs to produce fine materials put on the market. One example: basic materials companies, such as Usiminas, manufacture steel sold to the manufacturing industries to produce automobiles, refrigerators, civil construction profiles, among others. The City and Cide are committed to showing businessmen from Brazil and abroad that Cubatão still has many free areas in its territory to install industries that transform the base products manufactured in the city, such as fertilizers, rubber chemicals, oxygen, chlorine and derivatives, among others.

The positive side of this industrial actor is that it generates new jobs for residents of all the region and increases the tax collection of the City Hall, for execution of new works in the City.

“Cubatão is a factory of opportunities for the development of the Industry,” says Caobianco. The polo companies are associated with the Ademário Government, with the implementation of a condominium managed by Cide, to unite in a synergistic way (with the same objectives) the search for cost reduction in strategic interests common to already established companies and future entrepreneurs , as security through the Mutual Assistance Plan, human resources, legal issues, medical services and community dialogue actions through the Consultative Community Council (CCC) of the Cubatão Complex.

Among the highlights of the 11 reasons to receive investments, the polo – which already has 12 major industries in the petrochemical, chemical, steel and fertilizer sectors – has an abundant range of energy (including thermoelectric plants) and water, besides of complete logistics network with highways, railroads, coastal port services (with three nearby ports) and access facilities to the airports of the State Capital. These logistical alternatives link industries to the interior of São Paulo and to other states.

Cide offers tax incentives

Availability of areas for new companies in Cubatão

For Mayor Ademário Oliveira, “Cubatão is a city ready for new investments”. And disrespect to the crisis that still lives, it has land with free areas and ready to receive new facilities of industries and companies. With the support of Cide-Ciesp and landowners in the city, the municipal secretariat of Planning, led by Deputy Mayor Pedro de Sá Filho, pointed out the existence of at least 2,365 million areas in 12 lands and sectors ready to deploy transformation.

Technical knowledge, historical evidence and hardworking labor in the implantation of industries are not lacking. Cubatão was the first petrochemical center in the country, located less than 70 km from the capital. In its territories, the first state refinery built by Petrobras was installed in the 1950s, in the wake of the establishment of chemical industries, one of the largest steel mills in the country and a pioneer fertilizer park, as well as producing chlorine and gases medicinal products. Cubatão already had the highest public per capita income in the country.

“But the old managements of municipal governments failed to translate this wealth into welfare for the population. And the economic crisis installed since 2015 worsened the recession, leading to the suspension of industrial activities that mainly affected primary steel production and led to the drastic reduction of jobs”, says Ademário.

Now, according to the mayor, besides the City structure, located near the Port of Santos and the Capital of São Paulo, companies that settle in Cubatão will have as incentives, depending on the degree of investment, the exemption of IPTU and ISS.

“We have a specific planning sector to receive new investments and priority attention to reduce bureaucracy in the processes, by our deputy mayor and now with the support of Cide-Ciesp.”

Source: A Tribuna newspaper